
Legal notices

1. Publisher

The website https://www.waalaxy.com (referred to in the following lines as "the website") is published by SAS Waapi, here in after referred to as "the Company."▪ Type of company: Simplified joint-stock company▪ Registered office located at 270 AV NINA SIMONE 34000 MONTPELLIER▪ Share capital: €228,200.00▪ Registered with the RCS of Montpellier under number 841124001- APE: 5829C▪ Tax identification number FR47841124001▪ Phone: 06 34 62 18 53▪ Contact email: contact@waalaxy.com

2. Hosting

The website is hosted by the company OVH, Contact: https://www.ovhcloud.com/

3. Relevance of Content

If you notice the presence of inaccurate content or content that may infringe on the rights of a third party or violate a regulatory or legislative provision, please notify us by writing to Toinon Georget at contact@waalaxy.com

4. Website Editorial Team

▪ Editor-in-Chief: Toinon Georget
▪ Website Editorial Manager: Colas Vandervaere
▪ Contact: Toinon Georget contact@waalaxy.com

5. Intellectual Property

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or non-animated images, video sequences,sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate the website, and in general, all elements reproduced or used on the website are protected by intellectual property laws.

They are the full and exclusive property of the website publisher or its partners, unless otherwise specified.Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the entity holding the rights, is strictly prohibited.

The fact that the rights holder does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of such unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of legal action.

Only private use within a family circle is permitted, and any other use constitutes infringement and/or infringement of neighboring rights, punishable by the Intellectual Property Code.

Reproduction of all or part of this content requires the prior authorization of the rights holder of this content.

6. Suspension of services

a. The use of Waalaxy may be occasionally suspended to allow interventions and maintenance necessary for its
operation. If an intervention is planned, you will be informed so that you can take all necessary measures to avoid
any disruption to your business.

b. In case of extreme urgency, imperative necessity, or if Waalaxy's security is at stake, Waapi is exempted from this
duty of prior information, and is responsible for providing all useful explanations after the intervention has been
carried out.

c. Waapi cannot be held responsible for the possible consequences of the unavailability of Waalaxy due to
maintenance or updating of the services.

7. Hyperlinks

The Site may contain hyperlinks providing access to other websites edited and managed by third parties.

The Company cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible in the event that these third-party websites do not comply with legal provisions.

The creation of hyperlinks to the Site can only be done with the prior written authorization of the Company.

8. Terms and Conditions (CGV)

The Company's terms and conditions are accessible via this link